Personal Affirmations

I reassert my “knows” and dismiss my “am nots.” I say to myself these mantras (see below) while doing breathing exercises. I do the breathing exercises because I’ve learned all things that involve self-hate (i.e., self-doubt, self-criticism, future-tripping, etc…) are all symptoms of anxiety. The breathing exercises, along with personal mantras, bring your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves all in sync with each other.  This helps to self-actualize and roots you back to your present life; back to the NOW. It helps you to let go and forgive yourself of past mistakes and not to worry about a future that may never come to pass.

Breathe in through the nose slowly and say your power word. A power word can be anything that identifies you and brings your inner-energy into focus. It signifies exactly who you are or wish to become. My power word is Gracious. I knew it was my word because of all the reasons I gave it to my second born. Grace is her middle name because for me it depicts strength in compassion and serenity; grace in overcoming, enlightenment, and forgiveness; grace in life and love.

I find immersing myself in Mother Nature and all of Her beautiful and glorious bosom is the best environment to contemplate my affirmations.  Luckily, I live deep in a mountain of redwoods and close enough to the ocean that I can see, hear, and smell the tang of Mother’s crisp and salty breath.  Each morning She greets me with the feel of Her loving and loam embrace.  I endeavor to show gratitude with my tread on Her back as many times as possible by walking Her paths of enlightenment and divine oneness.  During this walk I sometimes find a special spot that calls to me and sit within. Sometimes I don’t and continue to walk.

1. I close my eyes and breathe in slowly through my nose while reaffirming to myself, “I am Gracious.”

2. I breathe out slowly through my nose, “I can let go of all transgressions ever made against me because I am Gracious.”

You can say anything you want on the exhale, but I say what I say because that is what I tend to hold within myself, which builds on a hate inside me that is hard to let go. Once I can realign my mind with my heart and my ego I can let this hurt go.  I can once again feel love for myself and for those around me.  All the feelings I had while self-sabotaging goes away on each breath I let go; leaving room for more love from myself and others.

I keep breathing and speaking my affirmations until I feel this love grow within me, pushing the doubt out so it goes away on its own.  I feel powerful once more.

Choose your power word. Whatever feels right for you. Choose what you need to let go. Once again, whatever feels right to you and just let it go. Do it over and over again until it becomes natural and you can do it with a thought or no longer need do it at all.

Remember, you are loved.

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